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Jul 29, 2022
In General IA Discussion
I am just curious which campaign heroes you guys like to play with the most. For me it was the first two I played as Drokatta and Wildfire. I enjoyed blasting everyone up with the wookie demo expert and running and gunning with wildfire. I didn't know what to expect from them since it was my first ever time playing but these two have been my most enjoyable to play so far.
Jul 25, 2022
In Imperial Commander Discussion
Original Post on BGG I would like to announce that I am in the process of converting missions from the Imperial Commander 2 app into a variant for a little more casual play. Go to the Imperial Commander 2 Google Drive. To download and play these missions that are so far completed. I was inspired to do this due to how I was first introduced to the game. The same rules apply to how he played the game for me playthrough as this app. Missions will no longer game over at the end of specific rounds. Instead from that point on threat gains are doubled. This makes the missions doable for those who go through the game more slowly, and first time players. But adds the incentive to hurry before you are ultimately overwhelmed. Having a 6 threat finale mission turn into a 12 threat per round mission after the end round can be quite daunting, but you still have the chance to come up on top. The only timed missions I will not touch are Agenda missions. These are missions that grant the Imperial AI bonuses and it would be too easy to counter them without a timer. So in those cases, you need to press hard against them. Status: Entire Game Converted! If there are any errors you find in the missions. Please inform me ASAP and I will see to fixing them when i have time.


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